9+ Epic Buddha Stories To Drastically Change Your Life — 2020
Have you ever wondered what may the secret behind living a pleasant and peaceful life?
You’re not alone. (to think about it)
There are thousands of people constantly trying to find the answer to this enticing yet mysterious question.
Well, Buddha Stories (Jataka Stories) can be a great way to explore the question and help you find your own peaceful life.
Buddha Stories #1
Less Is More
“Releasing By Buddha”
One day Buddha was sitting in the woods with 30 or 40 monks. They had an excellent lunch and they were enjoying the company of each other.
Suddenly there was a farmer passing by and the farmer was very unhappy. He asked the Buddha and the monks whether they had seen his cows passing by.
Buddha told him that they had not seen any cows passing by.
The farmer said — “Monks, I’m so unhappy. I have 12 cows and I don’t know why they all ran away. I have also a few acres of a sesame seed plantation and the insects have eaten up everything. I suffer so much I think I am going to kill myself.”
and Buddha said… Read More
You see in life…
You can apply the releasing of cows to the releasing of all the material things that you have.
I am not claiming that you should live without any material things but it is true that the more you have the more you worry about them and the more that you possess you will fear to lose those possessions.
That’s why the only real possessions, that you can never lose are the ones that you keep in your heart.
Buddha Stories #2
The Time When Buddha Almost Got Killed
“We Are Not The Same”
Nobody has developed benevolence and compassion like Buddha did in his time.
Among his cousin’s there was the evil Devadatta who was always jealous and determined to make him look bad.
Devadatta was even willing to kill Buddha.
One day as Buddha was calmly on his way, his cousin Devadatta threw a heavy rock at him from atop a hill. The rock fell beside Buddha and Devadatta failed to end his life.
Buddha, even after realizing what had happened, remained impassive, never letting the smile slip from his face.
Days later Buddha ran into his cousin and greeted him warmly, “I welcome you Devadatta! How are you today?”
Very surprised, Devadatta asked him… Read More
You see in life...
“To he who knows how to see, everything is in transition, to he who knows how to love, everything is forgivable.” — Krishnamurti
We might have trouble or bad feelings towards another person but if we meet this person again, this person has changed, and so have we.
If we hang on to grudges, and bad feelings then we cannot evolve, then we cannot be in eternal life.
Instead, we should immediately let go of grudges and bad feelings and so we constantly evolve and are never the same…
Buddha Stories #3
The Time When A Bandit Tried To Rob Buddha
“Best Version Of Yourself”
Once upon a time, Buddha was walking through the forest on his own meditating when suddenly he was confronted by a bandit called Angulimal.
After he had seen that Buddha did not have any possessions, he wanted to kill him.
And so Buddha said: “Then be good enough to fulfill my dying wish,”
“Cut off the branch of that tree.”
One slash of the sword and it was done!
“What now?” asked the bandit.
“Put it back again,” said Buddha.
The bandit laughed… Continue reading
You see in life…
It is easy to hurt, to destroy, to wound, to hurt each other whether it is physical or emotional.
It takes courage and heart to build, to heal and to protect.
The real warrior inside you must have these virtues because even a child can destroy and hurt.
So always try to be the best version of yourself and let go of unnecessary anger.
Buddha Stories #4
Be Honest, Be Blessed
“Our Motivation”
At the time of Buddha, there lived an old beggar woman called “relying on joy”.
She used to watch the kings, princes, and people making offerings to Buddha and his disciples and there was nothing she would have liked more than to be able to do the same.
She went out begging, but at the end of a whole day, all she had was one small coin.
[Also Read: Awesome Bedtime Stories To Read During This Quarantine!]
She took it to the oil-merchant to try to buy some oil.
He told her that she could not possibly buy anything with so little. But when he heard that she wanted it to make an offering to Buddha, he took pity on her and gave her the oil she wanted.
She took it to the monastery, where she lit a lamp.
She placed it before Buddha and made this wish:
“I have nothing to offer but this tiny lamp. But through this offering, in the future may I be blessed with the lamp of wisdom.
“May I free all beings from their darkness. May I purify all their obstructions, and lead them to enlightenment”.
That night the oil in all the other lamps went out. But… What’s next
You see in life…
Our motivation: good or bad, is what determines the fruit of our actions. It is easier for a rich man to give than for a poor man to give.
It is hard to give something which means so much to you and which is almost everything you have just to help someone who is more in need.
You can help someone, but maybe in the back of the mind you’re thinking:
“If I help him I will profit from this myself!” or you can help someone knowing that if you help him you will lose out and that it won’t have any positive outcome for you.
This is our motivation, that is important.
So it is not only the actions that we do the good, that we do but the thinking behind that, don’t forget that.
For more stories please visit: 9+ Epic Buddha Stories To Drastically Change Your Life
Originally posted on Improvedose