Buddha Stories — The Story Of Ananda And Pakati | 2020

2 min readApr 30, 2020


“The Story Of Ananda And Pakati” — Gautam Buddha Stories

Buddha Stories

Ananda, the favorite disciple of Buddha, having been sent by the Lord on a mission, passed by a well near a village, and seen Pakati, a girl of the Matanga caste, he asked her for water to drink.

And Pakati said: “Brahman, I am too humble and mean to give you water to drink, do not ask any service of me, lest your holiness be contaminated, for I am of low caste.”

And Ananda replied: “I ask not for caste but for water.”

And the Matanga girl’s heart leaped joyfully and she gave Ananda to drink.

Ananda thanked her and went away; but she followed him at a distance.

[Also Read: Buddha Stories Which Will Change Your Life!]

Having heard that Ananda was a disciple of Gautama Buddha the girl repaired to the Blessed One and cried:

“Lord help me and let me live in the place where Ananda your disciple dwells, so that I may see him and minister to him, for I love Ananda.”

The Blessed One understood the emotions of her heart and he said…

For the complete story please visit: The Story Of Ananda And Pakati

Originally published on Improvedose

